Pantheon of Kairzen
General things to note!
- listed here are the major deities, there are several minor deities- some more important than others to the general mythology of Kairzen
- most things listed here are historical fact or the most commonly accepted myths/explanations. religious attitudes towards these figures vary. some worship, some resent, some couldnāt care less. āgodā is the easy terminology to describe the power these figures have, but the world is wide & diverse in attitudes (or a lack of) towards them
- deitiesā pronouns can vary with form. the sets iām putting here are the ones that are most often associated with each god but theyāre gods gender is a mortal concept they donāt really care tbqh some are just more masc/fem/androgynous than others
- on the subject of forms- all of them are capable of changing form, but some do so more often than others (such as Reithri or Yfilia).
- deities are divided into āgenerationsā. the old gods (before Acanaās murder) are First Generation, the god war gods are Second Generation, and the modern, post-god war deities are Third Generation/Modern Deities.
First Generation Deities
š STILLNESS (it/they) TN
- The Demiurge, unmoved mover, whatever you call it
- Created Acana (Creation), dissipated to form the Astral Plane
- In Kairzen, the Weave from which arcane magic is drawn is fueled by the Astral Plane. Thus, arcane magic is fueled by the Stillness, though it isnāt considered its patron.
- Patron of the Astral Plane, often prayed to for luck.
š« ACANA (Creation) (any pronouns) NG
- Regarded as the first true deity
- Their magic involves drawing together the dissipated form of Stillness to make new things/beings/etc
- Created Kairzen and two of its moons, spent millennia perfecting them
- Created Vedek (Light) and Lutua (Dark) and mentored them both
- Later murdered by Vedek (Light) after continual disagreements over Vedekās magic
- His blood facilitated the creation of Yfilia (World/Humanoids), and his corpse was used in the creation of Hothrim (Death).
- Patron of travelers & the creative arts
š LUTUA (Dark) (she/her) LG
- Created by Acana (Creation)
- Created Teremys (Life/Animals)
- Helmed the effort to seal Vedek (Light) on the Furrows
- Prominent figure during the God War, as she knew Vedek (Light) best
- Gave most Second Generation deities and all Third Generation deities her blessing to ascend to godhood
- Has retreated from Kairzen in recent years
- Patron of the dark/night, dreams, positive energy, the moon, and the stars
āļø VEDEK (Light) (he/him) CE
- Created by Acana (Creation)
- Has an unorthodox form of magic in which he sacrifices parts of himself or others in order to reuse the energy and memories associated to create something new
- Created the third and largest moon of Kairzen by sacrificing his left hand
- Created Atna (Time) by sacrificing the rest of his left arm
- Created Kalz (Death) by sacrificing the corpse of Acana
- Created Sihan (Mercy, at that time Fate) by sacrificing his heart/core
- Created Aellum (War) by sacrificing his right hand
- Created Brightwalkers by chipping off various other pieces of himself
- Imprisoned in the Furrows for thousands of years. His breaking free was the catalyst that began the God War
- Imprisoned again at the end of the God War, by Atna (Time) in the Plane of Dreams. The rift left by their parting is located in Kamhus, the capital city (and only major city) of Isophe
- Many doomsday legends involve Vedek breaking free
- Patron of the day/light, the sun, and negative energy
š» TEREMYS (Life/Animals) (it/she/they) CG
- Created by Lutua (Dark)
- Responsible for the original creation of all animal and plant life on Kairzen, though her modern domain is focused on the animals
- Its tears at the death of Acana facilitated the creation of Yfilia (World/Humanoids)
- Once humanoids were created, she found herself loving them dearly and spending a lot of time on Kairzenās surface, usually in disguise as an animal though sometimes as a humanoid
- In modern day she is less social with humanoids though it still lingers on Kairzenās surface
- Patron of animal life/life as a force, spring, and is often prayed to for defense
ā ATNA (Time) (he/it) LN
- Created by Vedek (Light) out of his left arm
- Somewhat isolated from the other gods
- Attempted to warn Acana (Creation) about Vedekās plan to take their life, but was thrice unsuccessful
- Learned Vedekās magic; unknown what he sacrificed but he used this magic to create a focal point for Yfilia (World/Humanoids) to form at
- Rejected his creator upon the murder of Acana
- Helped Sios (Fate) break free of her creator to become Sihan (Mercy)
- Used the opportunity created by the Jaw Squadron at the close of the God War to seal himself and Vedek in the Plane of Dreams, in a pocket of spacetime where a second is stretched into thousands of years, to effectively neutralize Vedek
- Patron of time and autumn
š YFILIA (World/Humanoids) (any pronouns) CN
- Deification of Kairzen itself. Sprung up from Kairzenās energy focused by Atna and released by the blood of Acana and the tears of Teremys
- Creator of early humanoids
- Has taken many forms and many names, enjoys wandering among her people and watching how they progress. Many legends spring up from this tendency
- Focused more on morale during the God War, bringing cheer to weary mortals
- Still continues to wander Kairzenās surface in modern times, though heās much more secretive about it
- Is on good terms with most other deities
- Patron/deification of Kairzen as a whole, patron of humanoids and love (platonic, romantic, familial, all forms of love!)
Second Generation Deities
š HOTHRIM (Death) (he/they) TN
- Vedek (Light)ās first creation on the Furrows. Created using the corpse of Acana (Creation), which Vedek had hidden away after the murder
- Hothrim immediately rejected his creator and basically fucked off
- Some legends say he first surveyed the world as a crow, some say he simply immediately abandoned it - regardless, he remains the most mysterious of the main pantheon
- Many myths exist as to what comes after death and how Hothrim may be involved, but for the most part it remains a mystery as well
- Patron of death, nothing more
šŖ¢ SIHAN (Mercy) (formerly Sios, Fate) (she/her) LN
- Vedek (Light)ās second creation on the Furrows. Made using Vedekās own heart/core/whatever you may call it, originally named Sios
- Vedek used her to manipulate the strings of mortalsā fates to use to his advantage
- Eventually she, encouraged by Atna, broke away from her creator
- She sacrificed her own eyes to eradicate the concept of predestination from Kairzen, leaving Kairzenites free to make their own fates
- Lutua and Atna (along with the other gods) took her in, and in time, she chose a new name and took on a new domain - Sihan, deity of Mercy
- Patron of both mercy and of judgement - she represents a balance between forgiveness and justice
āļø AELLUM (War) (she/her) NE
- Vedek (Light)ās third creation on the Furrows. Made using Vedekās right hand.
- She was very loyal to Vedek throughout the war, fanning the flames of conflict everywhere she went and fighting with a brutal efficiency that hindered even the old gods
- After Vedek was sealed, a few things happened to her
- She had no one to fight for anymore, and became much less intense and much more icy, much less biased and much more an impartial arbiter of the battlefield
- This change in her may be factually true, it may also be myth resulting from a shift in the general publicās attitude on war
- She had no one to turn to. Her very nature lies in conflict, and therefore she did not feel welcome among the other gods
- She had no one to fight for anymore, and became much less intense and much more icy, much less biased and much more an impartial arbiter of the battlefield
- She wanders, the rest of the gods let her be, and many mortals still worship her - aiming for glory in battle or success on the battlefield
- Myths about her, however, vary wildly - depending on how a specific group views war, whether itās something to be pursued or something terrible to be avoided
- Patron of war, glory, protection on the battlefield
š§ MARZE (Water) (she/it) TN
- The first of the elemental deities, but also the youngest (it existed for a much shorter time before ascending than the others).
- Originated as a Nereid from the Elemental Plane of Water, which came under siege by Vedekās forces first
- She rallied a group of water elementals behind her and combined into one with them (literally and metaphorically?). Lutua blessed its ascent to godhood for its valor
- Loved and lost a mortal during and after the God War. She retreated from Kairzen in grief soon after as a result.
- Not many in modern Kairzen know the identity of this mortal, and some even doubt their existence.
- Patron of water (storms, rivers, oceans, lakes ā all water), sailors, and grief
āļø MIIYIN (Air/The North Wind) (she/they) LN
- She and Riinon were the second and third of the elemental deities
- Was close to Riinon (Air) in mortal life as well as in godhood
- Originated as a Sapphire Dragon, who vowed to the Air Elementals to protect the Plane of Air if they lent them their power. She kept this promise fiercely during the God War
- After the God War, they retreated to an indeterminate location on the Plane of Air. Riinon is said to visit frequently
- Patron of wind, winter, siblings, and neutral-aligned dragons
šØ RIINON (Air/The South Wind) (he/they) CG
- He and Miiyin were the second and third of the elemental deities
- Was close to Miiyin (Air) in mortal life as well as in godhood
- Originated as an Emerald Dragon, who vowed to the Air Elementals to protect the Plane of Air if they lent him their power. They kept this promise during the God War, though they were less fierce of a defender than Miiyin
- After the God War, he established a home of sorts on a floating island above Kairzen. Some of his subjects live there, though they donāt see him often
- Patron of wind, summer, siblings, and good-aligned dragons
š REITHRI (Earth) (they/them) CN
- Fourth of the elemental deities to be created
- A cohort of earth elementals sought out protection from a powerful fey creature known as Ithri, and together these two factions, with Lutuaās blessing, became the new deity Reithri
- Reithriās creation served as a sort of stabilizing force on the Feywild, tying it closer to the Material Plane (though it retains its chaotic nature) as well as the Plane of Earth
- Rumored to have been injured significantly in the final years of the God War, though that is unconfirmed despite their appearance in prominent myths since
- Instrumental in the creation of Laslaar (Agriculture). Laslaar was formerly a mortal farmer, but the two fell in love, and after Laslaarās untimely death he was resurrected
- The two traveled together for centuries ā before Reithriās sudden disappearance
- Patron of earth, nature/plants, and fey
š„ APOZI (Fire) (he/she) CN
- Last of the elemental gods to form
- Formed during a battle near an ancient volcano with a portal to the Plane of Fire, when a sleeping ancient giant was disturbed and a cohort of fire elementals offered her their aid to defend his home
- Blazed through Vedekās forces and is rumored to have been locked in battle with Aellum (War) herself for years, as Aellum was the one helming the initial attack
- Rumored to have been injured during the God War, though itās unconfirmed
- After the God War, retreated to her home mountain and hasnāt been seen since ā though some say the clanging of a hammer on an anvil can still be heard from it to this day
- Patron of fire, giants, blacksmiths/metalworkers, revenge
Third Generation/Modern Deities
š INOFEN (Knowledge) (she/her) LN
- Created when a drifting spark of energy formed from a collective cultural peacetime/renaissance/focus on learning was given form and blessing by Lutua
- Lives closely with mortals and always wants to learn more
- Presides over a library in the country of Zheth, the most vast and extensive library in the world
- Considers Kulana a younger sister
- Patron of knowledge, science, students, and teachers
āØ KULANA (Magic) (any pronouns) CN
- Created when a drifting spark of energy formed from a collective cultural peacetime/renaissance/focus on magical development reacted with the magic of the Furrows
- First and last deity since Aellum to be created without Lutua having a hand in the process
- Lives somewhat closely with mortals and is interested to see what they develop
- The most skilled among the gods at utilizing the weave of Stillness, aside from Lutua
- Considers Inofen an elder sister
- Patron of arcane magic and curiosity
š LASLAAR (Agriculture) (he/him) LG
- Began life as a human farmer
- One day met Reithri in disguise, and the two grew close, staying close even when they revealed themself as a god
- Became a folk hero when his village came under attack by stray Brightwalkers and he defended it successfully at the cost of his life
- Reithri found out and pleaded to Lutua for his resurrection as a deity, and Lutua and Laslaar both agreed to this
- Is more akin to a minor deity, but is usually included in the major pantheon because of his significant role/prominence in many myths
- Traveled with Reithri for centuries before Reithri went missing
- Currently searching the world for Reithri, with no success so far, and no leads from the other gods either
- Patron of agriculture, farmers/farm animals, and the common man